The art depicted above is a character I designed for a competition on Instagram. For those who are not aware, these types of competitions are integral to artist culture on social media platforms such as Instagram or TikTok.

As for the character herself, the prompt of this competition was to create a character based off of a drink of any kind. I chose hot chocolate, hence the name “Lace Cocoa.” These drawings were done on an my computer using Krita.

Griffin and Friends

Griffin is a character of mine depicted as a person with black hair and a white stripe. I have been improving on this character since 3rd grade, so they have been with me a while. They have many times been accompanied by friends in many images. Their friends can also have their own standalone images. Above is a sample of creations I have posted to my Instagram, @creativelee_art.

These images above were done using an iPad with an Apple Pencil using the program Procreate.